Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trenton Jewish Genealogy Connected Surnames

Trenton Jewish Genealogy
Connected Surnames

18 Dec 2015 Rev 3

These family trees (Kohn, Urken, Vine, etc.) - which interlock with each other through marriage - also draw in many other Trenton families. In Geni.com, there are about 2,000 Trenton Jews so far. The surnames (including non-Trenton surnames) are:

Abelow, Abrahamson, Abramsohn, Adler, Albert, Alexander, Allison, Alves, Anderson, Anmuth, Archer, Aroniss, Armony, Aronson, Azarchi, Azorsky

Baches, Bakol, Bar, Barone, Bartoo, Bash, Basile, Baum, Belets, Bellick, Benson, Berger, Bergman, Berkman, Berkowitz, Bernfield, Bernstein, Besselate, Binder, Blaise, Blenheim, Block, Blumberg, Bock, Bojecka, Bolan, Bosses, Bowie, Bowling, Bowton, Brock, Brod, Brody, Brodner, Brooks, Brown, Budik, Bunks, Burke, Burnett, Byer, Bynum

Cantor, Caplan, Chester, Chrysler, Clark, Cohen

Dana, Danzig, Davidovitz, Davis, DeClerq, Delvanthal, Dershowitz, Derweiler, Desey, Devine, Dobin, Donahue, Downey, Dreyer, Drucker, Dubin, Dutrow

Eckhaus, Edwards, Eisenstadt, Englander, Epstein, Estes

Faber, Fabricant, Falkin, Farber, Feigenbaum, Feldman, Fielding, Fieman, Finkle, Finn, Fischoff, Frank, Frankel, Frankfort, Fried, Friedlander, Friedman, Fromkin

Gamce, Gansky, Garb, Garfing, Gass, Gelfand, Gellard, Gerber, Geronemus, Gershonowitz, Gilinsky, Gillman, Glasser, Glauser, Gleason, Glick, Gluck, Glickman, Goldberg, Golden, Goldfarb, Goldin, Goldman, Goldsmith, Goldstein, Gorson, Gould, Granite, Green, Greenberg, Grossweiner, Gruber, Gunches, Gurney, Gwertsman

Haas, Habas, Hafer, Halperin, Hannah, Haranoff, Herlick, Harnick, Herring, Harris, Herst, Hesselson, Heyman, Hinckley, Hirsch, Hitt, Holender, Holland, Homesy, Horwitz, Hume

Ingall, Iserson

Jacobs, Jacobson, Jacoby, Jeffreys, Jenkins, Johnson, Jones, Josephson, Jucha

Kadesh, Kahr, Kalapas, Kalfin, Kallen, Kamenetzky, Kaminsky, Kamoroff, Kane, Kaplan, Kasher, Katz, Kaufman, Kazen, Kennedy, Kent, Kessler, Kimmelman, Kaltzkin, Klempner, Knop, Kody, Koenig, Kohn, Komaroff, Koplin, Koslow, Kritzer, Kronick, Kruger, Kuchka

Lang, Laster, Lavine, Lefkowitz, Leibowitz, Leonard, Lester, Levene, Leventhal, Levi, Levie, Levin, Levine, Levinson, Levy, Lewinter, Lichtenfeld, Lidsky, Liebeskind, Linefsky, Lipkin, Lipkowitz, Lipshutz, Litoff, Litowitz, Litvak, Loeb, London, Lowenstein, Lowman, Luben, Lurie

Mallizia, Manes, Maniewicz, Marcus, Markowitz, Marrow, Marshall, Martindale, Matthews, Medved, Meltzer, Mertz, Meselsohn, Meyer, Michaels, Michal, Miller, Millner, Mittleman, Morowitz, Moshnich

Neiman, Nelson, Newman, Nitzberg, Nochumson, Nusblatt

Olden, Ogram, Oreland, Orsborne, Oxhandler

Pace, Palay, Passoff, Patinkin, Patricof, Peitzman, Pepper, Pilus, Plotnik, Podlish, Poffenberger, Pollard, Popkin, Porecca, Press, Price, Pristoop

Rabinowitz, Ragsdale, Randelman, Rappaport, Rauch, Reed, Reichal, Reichbart, Rifkin, Ringler, Ritter, Robinson, Rogowsky, Roitman, Rose, Rosen, Rosenberg, Rosenblum, Rosenthal, Ross, Rosenfield, Rossman, Rounds, Ruttenberg

Sable, Sachsman, Salkofsky, Salway, Samuelson, Sanders, Saperstein, Satterwhite, Saul, Saunders, Sawyer, Scheel, Schenkel, Scherr, Schiff, Schinkel, Schriber, Schultz, Schwartz, Scildhorn , Scott, Selesnick, Selsman, Senderov, Shafer, Shapiro, Sharlin, Sheehy, Shelton, Sherby, Shevelove, Shields, Sholin, Short, Shupe, Siegel, Siegle, Silverlieb, Silverstein, Simon, Singer, Sklar, Slack, Slotnick, Smith, Smock, Sollod, Solomon, Spence, Spiegel. Stailer, Star, Steinglass, Steinmetz, Stern, Stiefel, Stolar, Stoldolsky, Stone, Studley, Stutzer, Sumholz, Sutnick, Swantko

Tanker, Tanzer, Tercy, Tietjens, Toll, Toltzis, Troll, Tucker, Twist

Ullman, Unger, Urken

Vandroff, Veghte, Vegotsky, Vine

Wagner, Wallstein, Walov, Watson, Wedeen, Weihe, Wein, Weinberg, Weinstein, Weisberg, Weiss, Weitz, Weney, Werksman, Weston, Whitman, Wiener, Willner, Wineberg, Winkler, Winnard, Wish, Wishnow, Wollin, Wollner, Wones, Worth, Wray

Zankel, Zimmerman, Zimmett

Supplied by Mark Melmed; updated by Athur Finkle

All of these families are related through marriage

To view or modify the “Trenton Jewish Community” Project), go to:


Monday, November 30, 2015

South Trenton 4

South Trenton 4

Ahavath Israel - Centre St.


Brothers of Israel (Acheinu B'nia Yisroel)

 Har Sinai Temple - Stocton St.

Har Siani Temple W. State St.

South Trenton (See lower pink)

South Trenton 1


 Market Street

Kunes's Bakery

Fall St and Union St.

Kramer's Bakery


61-63 Market Street 
  Heyfetz Meat Market, Alexander's Drug Store

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Survey Questions 2015

Survey questions                                     

Please complete the survey so future meeting will meet the expectations of the group.
When completed send survey, transmit

Arthur L. Finkle
209 Shady Brook Drive
Langhorne, PA 19047

215-860-3991 (FAX)

Naomi Lavine Houser


1.   Why did you come to the meeting/ were your expectations met


2.   Are you interested in Jewish immigration
a.   German
b.   Russian
c.  Other


3.   Are you interested in Trenton  Shul history (Which Congregation)
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.  Comment


4.   Are you interested in Trenton Jewish Community development (North/South/West?)
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.  Comment


5.   Are you interested in Trenton Jewish business development   (Specify which type)
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.   Comment


6.   Are you interested in Jews adaptation to American
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.  Comment


7.   Are you interested in Trenton Jewish education development
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.  Comment


8.   Are you interested in Trenton Jewish Cemetery history  (Which one)
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.  Comment


9.   Are you interested in information on Major Philanthropic/Social institutions
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.  Comment

10.               Are you interested in the history of Jewish exodus patterns from Trenton
a.   Yes
b.   No
c.   Comment


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Reconvening of Trenton Jewish Historical Society November 5, 2015

Reconvening of Trenton Jewish Historical Society 
November 5, 2015


  • Barry Troll
  • Harriet Kravitz Gilligan

  • Anne Himmelstein Daitz

  • Allen Applebaum

  • Faye Drucker Applebaum

  • Hon. Mark Litowitz

  • Sherry Spiezle

  • Tula Schnorbus Kurtz  
  • Herb Spiegel

  • Arthur Finkle

Please join us, send your contact info to 
           Arthur Finkle - afinkle221@yahoo.com
           Albert Stark -  astark@stark-stark.com

Fill out the questionnaire

Survey questions
Please complete the survey so future meeting will meet the expectations of the group.
When completed send survey
                Mail to_________
                Email to-------------------------------------------------
                Questions call________________________________________________

1.       Why did you come to the meeting/ were your expectations met


2.       Are you interested in Jewish immigration
a.       German
b.      Russian


3.       Are you interested in Trenton  Shul history (Which Congregation)
a.       Yes
b.      No


4.       Are you interested in Trenton Jewish Community development (North/South/West?)
a.       Yes
b.      No


5.       Are you interested in Trenton Jewish business development   (Specify which type)
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Comment


6.       Are you interested in Jews adaptation to American
a.       Yes
b.      No


7.       Are you interested in Trenton Jewish education development
a.       Yes
b.      No


8.       Are you interested in Trenton Jewish Cemetery history  (Which one)
a.       Yes
b.      No


9.       Are you interested in information on Major Philanthropic/Social institutions
a.       Yes
b.      No

10.   Are you interested in the history of Jewish exodus patterns from Trenton
a.       Yes
b.      No
c.       Comment


Please your comments to 

Art Finkle -


Naomi Lavine Houser
