Saturday, May 23, 2020

Trenton Families Built JCC

Hopefully reviewing it will help you recall forgotten families whose offspring some of you might know the whereabouts of.  We should contact them in a coordinated fashion with the hope that they would be interested in contributing (financially or other ways) to the preservation of their ancestor’s gravesites.  The pages in the Federation History book mention the leadership of families with whom I’m sure you’ll be familiar.  Included among that group are: Abrams, Citron, Deitz, Feinberg, Finkle, Glazer, Gordon, Kahn, Klatzkin, Levy, Palat, Perlman, Punia, Schnur, Stark, Teich, Walcoff, Warren and many, many more.  They are all listed in the book’s index at the end.

I also think that you will each be amused to look at some of the pictures in the book.  Two of our group (I’ll let you each be surprised) have their pictures on pages 51 and 52.  There are many photos in the book that are captivating to look at. 

In the same vein as above, Art Finkle also wrote a book worth reviewing for the same purpose.  It’s entitled Trenton's Jews: Beginning, Adaptation and Achieving the American Dream and is available from 

Comments, May 2020

Re: Mercer-Bucks Jewish Historical Society - May 2020   😀

Barbara Melmed 
Thu, May 14, 6:59 AM (1 day ago)

to me
Mark and I visited the cemeteries last week. We were very impressed with the work that has been done. The fences, signs, and the general condition was amazing. Well done!!
Sent from my iPhone

Barbara Melmed

Re: Mercer-Bucks Jewish Historical Society - May 2020 😉

Estelle Finkle
1:42 PM (2 hours ago)

to me
Thank you, bless you, as always, Cousin Art.  I hope you are well,  I haven't read anything about restrictions and number of virus cases in Trenton.  I hope no one I know has been affected.

Be well, stay safe,

Cousin Estelle Finkle
Jewish Community Center Bath House and Pavilions - Designed by Louis I. Kahn.

Re: Mercer-Bucks Jewish Historical Society - May 2020   😃

10:49 AM (5 hours ago)

to me

Bless you for achieving a nearly impossible task, May they rest in peace.
The underground video was incredibly interesting!

Re: Mercer-Bucks Jewish Historical Society - May 2020   😃

Albert Stark
10:09 AM (6 hours ago)

to me
Re: Mercer-Bucks Jewish Historical Society - May 2020   ☺

Lynne Kidsbridge
11:40 AM (4 hours ago)

to me

thank you cuz

hope yr staying safe !!!!!

Thanks, Lynne

Lynne Azarchi, Exec. Director   
              KIDSBRIDGE Tolerance Center
Ronald Schnur <>
Tue, May 12, 6:02 PM (15 hours ago)

to me

Can you or maybe someone on the Trenton Jewish Historical Society website give me info on the following:

Ben and Mae Robinson
Maury Robinson

Ben's father was Samuel Robinson, who had a store at 551 South Clinton. He had 3 kids, Maury (who had Maury Robinson Mens Clothiers on Hamilton Avenue near the high school), Jerry (the famous cartoonist who drew Batman and Robin, and invented the character of the Joker), and Edith.

Ben was the brother of my grandmother, Mary Robinson, who married Simon Shankman who had the mens' clothing store at 175 South Broad.

I'm trying to put together some family info for the younger generation. If anyone can help, much appreciated.

And thank you for all you do for Trenton Jewish history.

Ron Schnur