Saturday, July 9, 2022

Comments, June 2022








Marlene Dublinsky

YMHA/YWHA was an excellent experience. I learned to swim. I played in the gym. I went to the day camps in Flanders, NJ and the sleep away camps in Milford, PA.


Cathy Goldman

Thu, Jun 9, 7:23 PM (12 hours ago)

to me

 My Grandfather Abraham Popkin was one such Russian Jew. Who escaped the pogrums in the late 1800’s.  

From goldwoman 

In Boca Raton 🦎🌴


David Hodes <>

Tue, Jun 7, 1:55 PM (22 hours ago)

to me

Arthur, Please add the name Hodes to your list.  My father and mother arrived in Trenton in the early 30’s.  My Dad worked at the Union Meat Mkt as a butcher and they later operated a grocery store next to your parent’s business where we first met as little kids.  Another name that should be added is my aunt and uncle, Zarnotsky.  They operated a Fruit and Produce store on Market St near Union for many years.  Thanks, Dave



Trenton-Princeton-Bucks Jewish Hist Soc. May 2022



Carolyn Allen

Tue, May 10, 7:55 PM (13 hours ago)

to me

Thanks, Art. Of course you know Rachel Finkle is my cousin ( my mom and her mom were sisters) Nice article about the store. 



Art Hoenig

Hello Art, It would make me very happy if you added my family's name to the long list of Trenton Jewish families published yesterday in your newsletter.


The GOODSTEINS settled in Trenton in 1880 from Philadelphia and the HOENIGS are also an early family. 


Also, the GOODSTEIN grave headstone was leveled out in the People of Truth cemetery on Pitman Ave. and it looks much better.


Thanks very much, Arthur Hoenig. 

RE: Trenton-Princeton-Bucks Jewish Hist Soc. May 2022



Wed, May 11, 2:28 PM (1 day ago)

to me

Dear Mr. Finkle,


Thank you very much for sending this information. I am going to forward to the College of New Jersey student who is planning to do his capstone project next year on Trenton’s Jewish community. We look forward to your talk on June 12th and he plans to be there to meet you in-person.


Best wishes,




Samuel A. Stephens, Ph.D.

Trent House Association


Estelle Finkle

Tue, Jun 7, 1:16 PM (23 hours ago)

to me

Hello, Cousin Art, I didn't know you wrote a book.  How can I get a copy?  How much does it cost?


I hope all is well with you.  I'm really excited to have the photos of my parents' tombstone.  Thank you, thank you, for your help in getting the photos to me.


I hope you are well and that you had a good "Feast of Weeks" holiday.


Be well,





fred edelman 

Tue, Jun 7, 2:34 PM (21 hours ago)

to me

You make the past history of Jews in Trenton come alive.

Would you consider giving a talk at one of our Rotary meetings?

Best to you and yours,