Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jewish Surnames 3

41. Finkelstein
It is an ornamental name derived from the Yiddish elements ‘finkl’ meaning ‘sparkle’ and ‘stein’ meaning ‘stone.’
42. Fischler
This is a variant spelling for ‘Fischer’ which is an occupational name for fisherman. The name is more commonly found among Ashkenazi Jews.
43. Fishman
It means ‘fisherman’ in German and Yiddish languages. The name is an occupational one.
44. Flint
It is an ornamental name that comes from the German word ‘flinte’ meaning ‘shotgun.’
45. Franco
This surname is adopted from the Spanish personal name ‘Franco’ meaning ‘free.’ It was used as a nickname for freed slaves.
46. Frisch
This was used as a nickname and was derived from the Yiddish word ‘frish’ meaning ‘fresh’.
47. Garfinkel
This is an ornamental name from Yiddish word ‘gorfinkl’ meaning ‘carbuncle.’ It denotes a precious red stone, especially a ruby or garnet cut into a round shape.
48. Gelb
This is a variant of the word ‘gel,’ which means ‘yellow’ in Yiddish. The name likely began as a nickname for people with light hair.
49. Gelber
This surname is the extended version of the surname ‘Gelb’ and also comes from the Yiddish word ‘gel’ meaning ‘yellow.’
50. Geller
It is derived from the word ‘gel,’ which is the Yiddish word for the color yellow. The name was originally a nickname for someone with light hair.
51. Ginsberg
It is an ornamental form of the name ‘Ginsburg,’ which is a toponymic name referring to those who lived along the river Gunz in Germany.
52. Glaser
It is the German word for ‘glazier.’ It is an occupational name for someone who worked as a glassblower or glazier – a person who fits glass panes and windows.
53. Glick
It is an ornamental name derived from the German name ‘Gluck’ meaning ‘luck,’ ‘good luck,’ ‘bliss’ or ‘good fortune.’
54. Gold
This is an ornamental name of Yiddish origin and means ‘gold,’ the precious compound.
55. Goldbaum
This surname is an ornamental name composed of the word ‘gold’ and the German word ‘baum’ meaning ‘tree.’
56. Goldberg
It is a toponymic name referring to someone who belonged to the town of Goldberg in Germany. The name is composed of the word ‘gold’ and the German word ‘berg’ meaning ‘mountain.’
57. Goldblum
This last name is an ornamental name made from the words ‘gold’ and the German word ‘blum’ meaning ‘flower.’
58. Goldman
It is a metronymic form of the Yiddish feminine personal name ‘Golde’ meaning ‘gold.’
59. Goldschmidt
It is the German word for ‘goldsmith’ and is an occupational surname for someone who came from a family line of goldsmiths.
60. Gordon
This is a toponymic name referring to someone who belonged to the city of Grodno in Belarus.

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