Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jewish Surnames 9

186. Weiner
It is derived from the Yiddish word ‘vayner’ which means ‘wine merchant.’ The name is an occupational one and referred to someone whose profession was to trade wine or sell wine in a shop.
187. Weinreich
It is a cognate of the name ‘Winrich.’ This name is composed of the Old High German elements ‘wini’ meaning ‘friend’ and ‘reich’ meaning ‘rich.’ It thus means ‘rich friend’ and may have been used as a nickname.
188. Weiss
It means ‘white’ in German. The name would have referred to someone with very light skin or hair.
189. Winterstein
It is an ornamental surname composed of the German words ‘winter’ meaning ‘winter’ and ‘stein’ meaning ‘stone.’
190. Wohlberg
This name is composed of the German words ‘wohl’ meaning ‘well-being’ and berg meaning ‘hill’ or ‘mountain.’
191. Yakel
It is a Jewish pet version of ‘Jacob.’ The name ‘Jacob’ is derived from Hebrew name ‘Yaakov’ meaning ‘supplanter.’
192. Yampolsky
It is a toponymic Jewish surname referring to those whose ancestors came from the town of Yampol in Ukraine.
193. Yurkovich
It is a toponymic Jewish surname that refers to someone who originally belonged to a place called Yurkovtsy in Ukraine.
194. Zalman
It is the Yiddish version of the name ‘Solomon.’ This name comes from the Hebrew name ‘Shelmoh’ that is derived from the Hebrew word ‘shalom’ meaning ‘peace.’
195. Zechman
It is a combination of the Yiddish word ‘tsekh’ meaning an ‘artisan’s guild’ and ‘man’ meaning ‘man.’ This Jewish surname could have been an occupational one.
196. Zion
This surname is from the Hebrew ‘tsion’ referring to ‘Mount Zion’ which is a hill in Jerusalem.
197. Ziv
It is the Hebrew word for ‘charm,’ ‘brilliance’ or ‘radiance.’
198. Zuckerberg
This is an ornamental name derived from Germanic elements ‘zucker’ meaning ‘sugar’ and ‘berg’ meaning ‘mountain.’
199. Zuckerman
It means ‘sugarman’ in German and referred to a Jewish family line that were confectioners.
200. Zur
It is an ornamental Jewish surname derived from the Hebrew word ‘tsur’ meaning a ‘rock.’
Jewish surnames provide a glimpse of the vast geographical spread of the community. These names also fascinate us since they have been around for several centuries and are still in use today. We can’t help but be in awe of Jewish surnames.

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